Three Ways to Wear Thursday: The Best of Pink on VIP



Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to the blog!

Since we are still celebrating VIP PINK Week, I want to take an opportunity on this week’s Three Ways to Wear Thursday to throw it back to the top THREE pink outfits ever on the blog! So, I got to digging and stumbled upon an ensemble from 2012! Ahh–it feels like just yesterday I started VIP….I guess my grandparents were right–time really does fly when you’re doing what you love :)

Now, without further delay and distractions, let’s take a look at these snazzy pink ensembles from the past.

Let me know which one is your favorite by commenting on this post or the VIP Facebook page :)


From the 2012 blog post "Check Out Those Suspenders"
From the 2012 blog post “Check Out Those Suspenders


From the 2013 blog "Perfect Pearls" featuring Birmingham musician Gabriel Tajeu.
From the 2013 blog “Perfect Pearls” featuring Birmingham musician Gabriel Tajeu.


From the 2014 blog “On Wednesdays We Wear Pink“.

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

Weekly Whistle: VIP Pink Week 2014 featuring Tees that Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer


Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to the blog!

Whoo hoo! It’s Wednesday, and y’all know what that means…WEEKLY WHISTLE TIME!

Oh, WWs are always soooo much fun, and this week’s is going to be exceptionally fun because it is all about…about…? Yep, you guessed it–PINK!

For this VIP Pink Week Polyvore, I decided to not only feature head-to-toe pink outfit ideas, BUT ALSO to feature some snazzy tees that raise awareness for breast cancer. Fashion for a cause….my favorite :)

Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the awesomeness!

Note: Details on where to buy the products featured on this Weekly Whistle are below the Polyvore board :)

Pink Outfits

Say what?! I can really buy the cute pieces featured?! 

MSGM sweatshirts hoody

Monsoon floral blouse

Planet tuxedo jacket
$79 –

Warehouse full skirt
$16 –

Alberta Ferretti shoes

Office shoes
$68 –

Accessorize print tote

Swatch pink jewelry

Whistles pink jewelry
$56 –

CHECK IT OUT! The VIP loves BluKatDesign’s button earings! 

Stay Fabulous(& PINK),

Abby Hathorn