Weekly Whistle: Head-to-Toe Blush | Monochromatic Pastel


Just like Audrey Hepburn, I, too, believe in pink.

Pink is such a ladylike color that can capture the attention of any bystander in such an elegant yet sexy way. It is a subtle wow-factor and showcases strength, style and a little bit of sass *wink*

When I was younger, I was never a huge fan of pink because in my stubborn tomboy ways, I was convinced that pink was a “weak” color because only “girly girls” wore pink; however, as I have gotten older, I have realized that pink is anything but weak–it is strength. Pink possesses a special power unlike any other color. It has the ability to make people smile and feel happy even on the darkest of days + it can be classy, sexy and professional all at the same time.

So, for this week’s fabulous Weekly Whistle, I want to show off a sweet head-to-toe blush ensemble + give y’all a few tips on how YOU can pull off such a look! Let’s get to it *wink*

IMG_1714 IMG_1712 IMG_1705 IMG_1719 IMG_1702 IMG_1711 IMG_1721 IMG_1713 IMG_1717

Blouse: Forever 21

Skirt: Forever 21

Heels: Jessica Simpson, Belk

Necklace: BluKatDesign

Bracelet: BlueGrits

Earrings: BluGertrude


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

Three Ways to Wear Thursday: The Best of Pink on VIP



Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to the blog!

Since we are still celebrating VIP PINK Week, I want to take an opportunity on this week’s Three Ways to Wear Thursday to throw it back to the top THREE pink outfits ever on the blog! So, I got to digging and stumbled upon an ensemble from 2012! Ahh–it feels like just yesterday I started VIP….I guess my grandparents were right–time really does fly when you’re doing what you love :)

Now, without further delay and distractions, let’s take a look at these snazzy pink ensembles from the past.

Let me know which one is your favorite by commenting on this post or the VIP Facebook page :)


From the 2012 blog post "Check Out Those Suspenders"
From the 2012 blog post “Check Out Those Suspenders


From the 2013 blog "Perfect Pearls" featuring Birmingham musician Gabriel Tajeu.
From the 2013 blog “Perfect Pearls” featuring Birmingham musician Gabriel Tajeu.


From the 2014 blog “On Wednesdays We Wear Pink“.

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn