A Fun Day at Belk The Summit in Birmingham, Alabama

Makeup: Melissa Atkinson, Lancôme (Belk The Summit)
Sunglasses: Ray Ban, Belk The Summit

One thing this VIP fashionista absolutely loves to do is shop! Where is one of my favorite places to shop? Belk, of course! What modern Southern Belle does not enjoy the one-stop-shop experience at Belk?! You can get fabulous shoes, apparel, accessories, fragrance, and makeup all in one spectacular store–talk about perfection!

Now, I want to share with y’all some of the magnificent things I found at Belk The Summit in Birmingham, Alabama! Come on, y’all! It is time to get fabulous!

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If y’all could see my closet…y’all would see how much I absolutely adore purses. So, when I stumbled upon these artsy gems by Brighton….I immediately added them to my Birthday Wish list. Hey, two months is not too far in advance to start blowing out the candles wishing for fashionable birthday presents!

To learn more about these stunning Brighton bags, please click here.

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Looking for a new way to add some pizazz to my summer-to-fall transition makeup, I stopped by the Lancôme counter where MUA Melissa Atkinson made me look like I was ready to hit the runway at New York Fashion Week! I absolutely love the color combination on my eyes–the bright blue liquid eyeliner is a true wow-factor that isn’t too overpowering. Stop by the Lancôme counter at Belk The Summit in Birmingham, Alabama to get dolled up just like the VIP…or get the wonderful makeup artists to create you your own snazzy Fall 2013 makeup look!

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The Donald J. Pliner shoe selection at Belk The Summit is truly a fashionista’s dream come true! I was so infatuated with Donald’s fall shoes that I just had to pick my top five to share with y’all (as seen in the slideshow above).  Speaking of Donald J. Pliner…


You are cordially invited to join renowned shoe designer Donald J. Pliner at Belk The Summit this Saturday, September 14 from 10AM to 2PM to learn about the latest trends and styles in shoes. I hope to see all of you there! *BIG HUGS FOR EVERYONE*

Belk The Summit

Women’s Shoe Department

221 Summit Blvd.

Birmingham, Alabama

For more information, please call (205) 968-4200

To shop in your cute PJs, visit www.belk.com!


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn