VIP Home: Walter Anderson Art

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Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to the blog!

Today on VIP Home, we are going to chat about one of my absolute favorite artists EVER…Walter Anderson.


When I was little every room in my house had at least one Walter Anderson art piece hanging on the wall, and now…each room definitely has at least two *wink* At ten years of age, my mom gave me my first Walter Anderson…It was the “L Lion” print in memory of my Paw Hathorn. He had given me a stuffed lion when he was in the cancer hospital in Houston, Texas, and told me to always have courage. The “L Lion” print was my first piece of real art, and it made me feel like such a grownup because I had art “like mommy.” Now, every time I look at it, I smile and remember the special times I had with my Paw Hathorn….

A collage of Walter Anderson pieces at our house featuring the "L Lion" print.
A collage of Walter Anderson pieces at our house featuring the “L Lion” print.

Phew…I’m okay…I’m okay…I do not want to cry–or make y’all cry–with stories of the past…So let’s take a look at pictures from the time the family and I visited the Walter Anderson Museum in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. *happy thoughts…happy thoughts*

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Oh…taking a look back at the trip to the Walter Anderson Museum has me super inspired! Now, I think I am going to go to Home Depot to gather up some paint samples for the apartment. Hm…which Walter Anderson pieces will inspire my new apartment decor…think, think, think… *wink*

A Walter Anderson piece in the breakfast room. See how the colors of the painting inspired the room decor *wink*
A Walter Anderson piece in the breakfast room. See how the colors of the painting inspired the room decor *wink*

Learn more and plan your visit to the Walter Anderson Museum in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, visit


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn