Frugal Friday: $2 Flea Market Find

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Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to the blog!

I am taking a quick break from color-staining my apartment patio to tell y’all about this week’s fabulously frugal find–a two-dollar, denim vest, which I found at a flea market in my hometown of Louisville, Mississippi. I absolutely could not pass this deal up because it has marvelous DIY potential! 

Speaking of DIY potential….I have been racking my brain trying to decide how exactly I want to DIY my two-dollar vest. I already have a distressed one hanging in my closet from the first ever VIP DIY, and it would be a bit silly to repeat the same DIY tactics with another denim vest. Hm…what to do…what to do…

Well, readers, this patio isn’t going to stain itself, unfortunately *wink*  So, I do not have time to ponder or wander the world wide web for denim vest DIY ideas. So, shoot me an email, comment on this blog, or post a comment to Facebook with YOUR nifty DIY ideas. I would love to hear them! 

P.S. I also got some fabulous plants for my apartment's green space today! Oh, I cannot wait to start sharing more of the patio's progress with y'all starting in July on VIP Home! :)
P.S. I also got some fabulous plants for my apartment’s green space today! Oh, I cannot wait to start sharing more of the patio’s progress with y’all starting in July on VIP Home! :)


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn