VIP Home: Curtain Fest Part Two…Cute & Creative DIYed Curtains for a Small Kitchen


Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to VIP Home!

This week on VIP Home, I am continuing my Curtain Fest series by showing y’all how I transformed my tiny apartment kitchen window into something totally adorable by using a simple curtain rod, cafe hooks, and dinner napkins.

When I first moved into my apartment–sans blinds and curtains–I was a bit overwhelmed with the lack of privacy and the amount of money it was going to take to create not only a barrier from the outside world, but to also make the barrier adorable and fun. The size of the kitchen window made it extremely difficult to find cute and colorful curtains to match the sunshine walls + all the curtains I found were too pricey for my shoestring budget AND  I wanted something precious. I accepted the challenge. Then, I realized that I needed to call in the professional–aka mom *wink*–for a brainstorming session.


After lots of dud ideas, we finally found a winner–why not use patterned dinner napkins and hang them like valances?! BAM–and curtain fest part dos was born. So, my mom and I made our way to Bed Bath and Beyond–where we picked up a curtain rod and small cafe hooks, and SteinMart–where we picked up seven square dinner napkins in two complementing patterns. Playing with patterns on a small DIY project like this is a great way to spice up your space without burning a hole in your pocketbook in the process *wink* This project cost about $50.00 total–that’s the curtain rod, small cafe hooks, and dinner napkins. The total would have been a little bit less had I remembered to use my Bed Bath and Beyond coupon *wink*

Now, check out this short tutorial on how to fold the dinner napkins as seen in photos:



Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn




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