Holiday Party Makeup | VIP Beauty Journal Entry


Tis the season to be BEAUTIFUL! With Christmas literally just around the corner, it is time to get our holiday party looks planned–from the outfit to the makeup. So, in order to avoid panic the night of the party–here is a fabulous VIP Beauty Journal entry to help you plan your holiday party makeup look! It’s as easy as red, green and glitter *wink* 

Taking inspiration from classic stars like Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe, this holiday season, I will be sporting vintage supermodel hair, red lips, and festive green and red nails. Check out the VIP Beauty Journal Entry below to see how you can add a classic twist to your holiday look *kiss, kiss*

Be sure to keep reading for a SECRET  coupon to use in my Etsy shop!
Holiday Beauty Journal 2015

OPI beauty product
$12 –

Dolce Gabbana lips makeup

Glitter eye makeup

In celebration of my opening BlueGrits and the new year, I am going to be offering a special 15% off coupon to kick off all the fabulous and all the new *wink*  While there is still time left in 2015, use coupon code BLUE2015 at checkout to receive 15% off your entire purchase! The coupon will be valid through December 31, 2015!

If Santa leaves an Etsy gift card under the tree for you, this celebration sale will be the PERFECT time to stock up on beautiful, handmade arm candy while saving a few bucks *wink* Click here to get a look at the current listings. Be sure to check back often because I am adding new listings every day! 

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

VIP Interview: Jewelry Artisan Liz Stechschulte of Ethereal Energy

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Hello, fabulouses! I would like to introduce y’all to the VIP’s newest handmade jewelry addiction Ethereal Energy, an Etsy shop owned and operated by Liz Stechschulte of Washington, DC. Liz’s shop offers brilliantly handmade pieces for both men and women and has a beautiful selection of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. The VIP + Ethereal Energy = A very happy fashionista!

The VIP sporting a necklace by Liz of Ethereal Energy. Oh, this necklace is soooo pretty!
The VIP sporting the “Abby Smile” (named after yours truly) rose quartz and vintage chain necklace by Liz of Ethereal Energy. Oh, this necklace is soooo pretty!

“We use the finest materials in our jewelry, yet we are able to create pieces that are highly affordable for anyone. Our stones are hand selected from The International Gem and Jewelry show, and some of our jewelry pieces use exotic stones which are not always accessible to the public – such as our raw Chrysoprase gemstone slices, Ametrine, and African Opal Jasper. We take great pride in handcrafting our Made in America products in our small home studio, and through the VIP blog we hope to reach a wider audience who may be interested in our Artisan made Jewelry Collection,” explains jewelry artisan Liz Stechschulte.

Ethereal Energy's Carnelian Briolette earrings that were featured on hit television series The Vampire Diaries.
Check out these super lovely Carnelian Ethereal Energy earrings! Perfection!

“I am delving into designing jewelry mixed with vintage components….I submitted a piece to the stylist for consideration for the TV show, The Vampire Diaries…To my surprise and delight it was chosen for the New Season and to be worn in the show by the main character, Elena!  I was beyond thrilled to be one of the lucky artisans chosen.  My gratitude goes to The Artisan Group (TAG) who made it possible,” states Liz.

Now, without further ado, I give y’all the spectacular interview with Liz Stechschulte of Ethereal Energy! Come on, let’s get fabulous!


VIP: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Liz: I was born, reared and educated in Washington, DC. I have lived my entire life in this wonderful, culture-filled city, our Nation’s Capital. I am half Filipino and half German, and I am the middle child of three siblings.  I have a small family, and we all live very close by to one another.  I studied Psychology, Health, and Art at American University. After graduating, I worked in various medical settings.  Although I enjoyed the health care field, I have always loved jewelry and gemstones, and so I took a leap and enrolled in the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to study gemstones in depth. I am absolutely passionate about working with natural gemstones, designing, and creating beautiful pieces of jewelry for others to wear and enjoy. 

The VIP sporting a lovely energy bracelet from Ethereal Energy.
The VIP sporting a lovely energy bracelet from Ethereal Energy.

VIP: When you are not making jewelry, what do you enjoy doing?

Liz: There are so many things that I cannot list everything.  I always enjoy spending time with family and friends.  I love shopping at department stores, the farmer’s market, and flea markets.  I love reading fashion magazines and spiritual books, cooking with organic food, sewing clothes, and visiting museums.  I also enjoy singing and listening to pop, classical, country, and classic rock music. My absolute favorite places to visit are the Gem and Mineralogy exhibit at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, The International Gem and Jewelry Show twice per year, and the National Zoo to see the wild and exotic animals.

This Ethereal Energy bracelet is to-die-for! So gorgeous!
This Ethereal Energy bracelet is to-die-for! So gorgeous!

VIP: What color best describes you?

Liz: I like many different colors but the color that best describes me is pink because I am a real Girly Girl. As a young girl, I took ballet and felt so much at home wearing a pink leotard and ballet slippers.  I love everything about being feminine-putting on makeup, curling my hair, wearing stylish clothes and pretty jewelry, especially many rings on my fingers. I am happiest and most confident when I am feeling and looking pretty, so I think I’m a pink girl.


VIP: What is your favorite time of the year?

Liz: My favorite season is summer because I love hot weather and wearing cute summer sundresses and sandals.  I love the colors of summer with the vibrant greenery of nature and the beautiful tropical flowers, such as Hibiscus and Tiger lilies which bloom at this time of year.  I also go with my family to the beach- the Outer Banks in North Carolina during the summer.

Ooo....beautiful necklace from Ethereal Energy!
Ooo….beautiful necklace from Ethereal Energy!

VIP: How would you describe your personal style?

Liz: I would have to say that I am fairly conservative yet colorful in my style. I like to wear classic pieces of clothing- fitted tops in vibrant colors and pencil skirts in basic black, and earth tones. During the summer, I like to wear halter dresses with colorful floral patterns in greens, turquoise and orange hues. I bring a little edginess to my style with the accessories – in the jewelry, belts, make-up, and hairstyle.

Check out this amazing mens necklace available at Ethereal Energy!
Check out this amazing men’s necklace available at Ethereal Energy!

VIP: Describe Ethereal Energy jewelry in five words.

Liz: Colorful, feminine, elegant, organic, and earthy.

VIP: What inspires your jewelry?

Liz: The ocean, nature, fruits and flowers, and recently sweet treats like candy, cupcakes and ice cream!

VIP: What inspired you to name your shop “Ethereal Energy”?

Liz: My Father gave me a book by Edgar Casey on the electromagnetic properties of gemstones and the positive energy they emit.  I  had in mind that I was going to create beautiful pieces of jewelry for the website using gorgeous gemstones that reminds me of flowers, the ocean, the sky, and things of a heavenly nature.


VIP: VIP Question: What is one item in your closet you would never toss out and why?

Liz: My black leather pencil skirt!  I’ve had it for years, but it still looks brand new. This skirt matches everything, it always makes me feel pretty, and it provides a bit of edginess to any ensemble.


Shop the lovely items available in Liz’s shop NOW because it is never too early to start your holiday shopping!

Visit the Ethereal Energy shop here.

The VIP is officially in love with these hummingbird earrings!
The VIP is officially in love with these hummingbird earrings!

Like Ethereal Energy on Facebook here.

Follow Ethereal Energy on Twitter here.

Oh, how the VIP adores Ethereal Energy jewelry! Check it out for yourself and fall in love with some fabulously handmade pieces!
Oh, how the VIP adores Ethereal Energy jewelry! Check it out for yourself and fall in love with some fabulously handmade pieces!

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

VIP Interview: Rhonda Spruce of The Crystal Heart Factory

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Hello, hello, hello, fashionistas! Today on the Vintage Inspired Passionista blog, I am going to share a fabulous interview with the owner of The Crystal Heart Factory, Rhonda Spruce! “I take great pride in designing and creating new items and providing a quality piece of jewelry for new and existing customers,” says spectacular jewelry designer, Rhonda Spruce. So, without further ado, I present to y’all the VIP’s interview with extraordinary jewelry artisan, Rhonda Spruce of The Crystal Heart Factory!


  • Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

My name is Rhonda Spruce, and I have been making jewelry for approximately eight years now. I fell into the hobby of it quite innocently. While Christmas shopping one year, I passed a bead store with a heart pendant in the window…KNOWING it would be a perfect gift for someone, I inquired within about purchasing it. The heart was not for sale–it was a class they offered. I took the class (classes…it took me more than one!) and gave the gift. They became popular gifts. I was also lucky enough that I had already been an established nail technician for several years with a clientele who liked them and started purchasing them. I have since retired from being a nail technician, but I am lucky enough to still have my clientele rocking and supporting my jewelry.


  • When you are not making jewelry, what do you enjoy doing?

I am a stay at home mother and a military wife, and I enjoy living life! With my husband on duty every 4th day and deploying approximately 2 weeks every other month, we stay busy when we can. We love to give our children amazing life experiences. They are big fans of carnivals (eeek-youth, what can you say?) and my husband and I, being HUMONGOUS country music fans, try not to miss any country concerts within a 60 mile radius of our home. Being stationed away from my family is hard, so we try to stay busy to pass the time, and we are generally successful at that. (You would be pleasantly amazed at how many discounts and perks we get for being a military family that make this attainable!)


  • Describe your ideal vacation

My ideal vacation is a Ski in/Ski out anywhere that has a hot tub on the balcony of my accommodations. (note: My husband and I have taken this vacation together and our oldest daughter is our favorite “souvenir” from that trip haha)

  • VIP QUESTION: What is one item in your closet you could never get rid of and why?

My skinny jeans. I don’t own a scale…how else would I know if I am gaining or losing weight?!


My most popular items are my awareness ribbon hearts.  I will never raise the prices on them. They are the same price they have always been and always will be. Here at the Crystal Heart Factory, we believe that “Awareness=Funding=Research=Finding the Cure.” We have never turned down the opportunity to donate to a organization that has appropriate documentation for the event being held. We are here to HELP!

Also, I am very lucky to have my Mother-in-Law, Stephanie Grantham, owner of StephieGknits, as my full time assistant. Click here to see the VIP’s interview with Stephanie Grantham.


Don’t you just love The Crystal Heart Factory! Rhonda is such a spectacular woman with an extraordinary talent for creating breathtaking jewelry! So, what do you say, fashionistas? Are y’all feeling like going online shopping now?!

Want a custom piece by Rhonda Spruce of The Crystal Heart Factory? Click here!

Shop The Crystal Heart Factory on Etsy here to find even MORE awesome jewelry pieces!

Like The Crystal Heart Factory on Facebook to keep up with the latest jewelry creations and giveaways! Click here.

Twitter: @heartsofcrystal


Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for a peek inside my life.


Twitter: @Abbysauce_

Instagram: @VintagePassionista


Check out more of my writings and photo shoot styling here:

Town and Gown Magazine May Issue:


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

Shopping in Your Own Closet: Denim with a Splash of Neon


Hello, hello, hello, fashionistas! What about that Super Bowl yesterday? I am not a huge football fan; however, that was quite the interesting game! A power surge in the stadium, Beyoncé, and funny commercials-perfect way to spend Super Bowl Sunday (given that I spent most of the day in Nike shorts and a sweatshirt-fashionistas deserve to a lazy day too!) Anyway…we all know I am not here to talk sports! If I were…it would go something like this: Kick off, linebacker, quarterback, touchdown, go team go, cheer, chant, cheer, swing batter, batter, swing, homerun! Okay, now you all know why I am not a sports blogger haha! So, let’s get down to business! It is time to see what magnificent ensemble the VIP styled while shopping in her own closet!


As I was organizing my newly renovated closet…Yes, our house is still under construction, but the mess makes for fabulous pictures! I do not know what I am going to do when we actually finish the house…hmm…Anyway, as I was organizing my newly renovated closet, I stumbled upon a terrific pair of denim trousers! I had forgotten all about them during the move! So, without further ado, I introduce the VIP’s closet shopping ensemble! Whoo hoo!







Shirt: VIP DIY

Trousers: JCrew, Raspberry Beret Consignment Shop (Louisville, Mississippi)

Heels: Belk at the Summit, Michael Kors

Belt: American Eagle (Trussville, Alabama)

Necklace: BluKat Design

Earrings: Claire’s (Trussville, Alabama)


Time for tips? Of course! Shopping in Your Own Closet would not be the same without tips! C’mon, fashionistas, it is VIP TIP TIME!



Would you like to be featured on the Vintage Inspired Passionista blog? Email or post pictures to the Facebook page of you wearing your darling denim trousers! Email: OR Facebook:

Check out The Raspberry Beret Consignment Shop on Facebook @

If you cannot get enough of the VIP, check out my articles in The Real Story! “The Adventures of the VIP” in the LifeStyle section!

Town and Gown Magazine is now online! Read previous issues @




Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

Kicking Off Fabulous February 2013!


Hello, hello, hello, my lovely fashionistas! Today on the VIP, we are going to be Kicking Off Fabulous February! Whoo Hoo! Let’s flashback for just a moment to yesterday’s blog “Buh-Bye January, Hello Fabulous February”. I told all of you that I had a super secret blog to kick off February…BIRMINGHAM FASHION WEEK 2013! So, in honor of the upcoming event, I want to take a look back at BFW 2012! So, join me as I reminisce BFW 2012 with a few pictures!

These wonderful MAC make up artists got me all dolled up and looking fabulous for the runway show! Such sweethearts! The VIP does love her MAC makeup:)
These wonderful MAC make up artists got me all dolled up and looking fabulous for BFW 2012! Such sweethearts! The VIP does love her MAC makeup:)



Oooo....This dress was just too amazing! I still want one!
Oooo….This dress was just too amazing! The vibrant color and the attention to detail is absolutely magnificent! (Dress designed by Theresa Mince)








I simply adored the artistic makeup, hair, and designs that Travis Mackey portrayed with his collection! I would like one of each please, and thank you!
Don't you just adore this wearable art piece made from from aluminum siding! (designed and worn by Sarah Vallin age 17 of Hoover High School, Alabama)
Don’t you just adore this wearable art piece made from aluminum siding! (designed and worn by Sarah Vallin age 17 of Hoover High School, Alabama)
Dress designed by Holly Griffin Thomas, one of the Rising Design Stars in 2012! This dress is so cute and funky, truly a work of art! This dress was modeled by Holly’s sister, Anna Leigh Thomas Arsenault.
Dress designed by Holly Griffin Thomas, one of the Rising Design Stars in 2012! This dress is so cute and funky, truly a work of art! (Model: Anna Leigh Thomas Arsenault).



This amazing dress was made from old maps and clock parts! So spectacular (designed by Allie Phifer age 18).
This darling dress was made from old maps and clock parts! So spectacular (designed by Allie Phifer age 18).

Oh, my goodness! Looking back at pictures from BFW 2012 is getting me super pumped for Birmingham Fashion Week 2013! I cannot wait to see what new and fantastic things will be at BFW 2013! Come join the fashionable fun this year at Birmingham Fashion week February 23-March 2! To purchase tickets and check the schedule of events, visit! Also, like Birmingham Fashion Week on Facebook to keep up with all the happenings and other media coverage!


What’s coming up in February 2013:

  • Coverage on the Rising Design Star exhibit at the Birmingham Museum of Art.

  • Interviews with the founder and co-founder of Birmingham Fashion Week.

  • BFW 2013 coverage of events, what I will be wearing, and much more!

Don’t forget to like the VIP on Facebook to stay up-to-date with sneak peeks and much more @



Cannot get enough of the VIP? Check out my articles in The Real Story @

Fall in love with Town and Gown Magazine! Read the latest issue @

Earrings by BluKat Design @
Earrings by BluKat Design @

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn