Beauty Tues: My Secret Weapon for Frizz-Free, Natural Curls (featuring NYM brands)


Hello, fabulouses, and welcome back to Beauty Tues.

If there is one thing I have learned from growing up with thick, wild, curly hair…it is that “people always expect more of you when you have naturally curly hair,” according to Frieda from the Peanuts *wink* All jokes aside, it really is *sorta* true!

There is this false idea that people with naturally curly hair can just wash it, dry it, and go on about their way….SO. NOT. TRUE. Unless I am going for a 1970s teased afro….because then washing, blow-drying, and heading out would totally work.


 Although curly hair can be a real bummer sometimes, it also has its major upsides too! See below:

1. Creating the infamous messy-updo is a piece of cake.

2. Want sexy and volumized hair? *turn head over; run fingertips at the roots of hair; flip up* Done.

3. You can brag to everyone that you have naturally curly hair *Frieda voice*

Now, it is time to get serious. 

After trying more hair products than I care to count…AND after my hair decided to not like mousse anymore (not sure what that is about…but it started to frizz SO badly!) I found Not Your Mother’s Kinky Moves Curl Defining Hair Cream. Not Your Mother’s is a fairly new brand on the beauty scene, having launched in 2010; however, this newbie company is knocking the frizz off of the competition with their ALL gluten-free (and paraben/sulfate free) products MADE IN THE USA with no animal testing. I am speechless right now–literally speechless. *but not for long* I am so in love with NYM, and all of its awesomeness. Why can’t other hair companies be this fabulous?!

OH! And did I mention that I majorly adore the titles of all of the NYM products? Y’all know how much I love clever titles…so, of course, I love using a product that is called “Kinky Moves” every morning *wink* Between my FitBit silent alarm (which is MEGA cool) and my Kinky Moves cream, waking up at 5AM isn’t so dreadful *wink*

Curly Hair Product Blog

Not Your Mother’s care

Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
From photo shoot to campus, NYM’s Kinky Moves cream is my VBHP–Very Best Hair Product! Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
Photo from the CS Digital Productions 2015 Model Campaign video promo.
Bracelet by Luke and Lyla Designs

Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

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