Weekly Whistle: Hippie at Heart

Ever since I can remember, I have been head-over-heels for the hippie era of fashion. The wardrobe pieces, the accessories, the hair, and the makeup are all so effortless and elegant in this oddly-romantic, slightly-rebelling-against-tradition way. Oh, y’all–I’m telling you the flow and the funk is so empowering + I am a sucker for pieces with killer sleeves *wink* 

So, for this week’s Weekly Whistle, I am throwing it back to the sixties and seventies with a little bell-sleeve and bell-bottom action. I absolutely adore this outfit because not only is it practical for my new #CampusLife *wink*, but it is also trendy and classic. When combined with the lariat necklace (worn as a headband) from Beauty In Stone, I feel like I just hopped in a fashionable time machine. 

Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at this week’s Weekly Whistle + outfit details 

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Blouse: Belk

Jeans: Chip & Pepper, Belk

Shoes: Sbicca, Molly Green (Birmingham, AL)

Bracelet: Reclaimed Inspired (Johnson City, TN)

Lariat & Beaded Tassel Bracelet: Beauty In Stone Jewelry

Stone Bracelet & Leather/Copper Bracelet: Beadsoul 


Stay Fabulous,

Abby Hathorn

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